The membership roster keeps growing and we are just over 275 members strong. Keep in mind that many memberships have expired this May so it would be nice to see those who have been supporting us to recommit and renew their memberships again. We can’t thank you enough for the support.

The new website still has some issues periodically but for the most part, I have received positive feedback. Our website continues to expand and word continues to get out about the work that we are doing. Please keep the articles, reports, and pictures, coming as this enables us to generate a newsletter collectively without placing the entire onus on one individual.

I want to express our thanks to all the members who continue to offer their services to volunteer and who are out their promoting the benefits of membership to others in hopes of soliciting new members – YOUR efforts are recognized and they DO make a difference.

I continue to view my role as Membership Director as being an interactive role. I have the responsibility to ensure that our members receive the information, handouts, memos, updates etc. that our directors prepare for us. I hate to sound like a broken record but…………………………

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE – MAKE SURE THAT I HAVE YOUR CORRECT EMAIL ADDRESS AND ALL CONTACT INFORMATION. We have received returned mail and email’s stating incorrect addresses and if I don’t have your phone number, I have no way of making sure that you receive the information that we are disbursing. As such if you haven’t been receiving any communications then you may want to check in with me to ensure that I have all your accurate information.

I continue to ask for any and all of your input regarding any suggestions that you may have, as this is YOUR organization and your input is valued. Please send your comments to:, or include them with your membership renewal.

I would like to thank everyone for their ongoing support and I look forward to the challenges that lie ahead of us in the coming year. Please feel free to contact me with any concerns or questions regarding your membership or club communications, and I would be only too happy to assist.

Madeline Walker
Membership Director