In 2013, Ontario Steelheaders came to the rescue when approximately 35k fish measuring 2-3 inches were scheduled to be killed as the hatchery operation had no room for them and were overstocked.

LHFC Hatchery Tank Pics 004

To save these little guys, the Ontario Steelheaders paid $1,500 to the Lake Huron Fishing Club trout hatchery for these fish and then we took it upon ourselves to transport and stock the fish into the upper headwaters of the Saugeen River. Each year, the trout hatchery can typically only house 60k steelhead yearlings and this year in particular, there was an abundant overstock. Why? The primary reason for the overstock numbers was due to a great hatch rate and less dead eggs/fry ratio. This is great news for the ecosystem and natural reproduction.

Thanks to all of our directors, members and supporters. We have created a club that can step in and take action when needed. This action is a result of our supporters. We turned a negative situation into a positive result and these fish wouldn’t have survived without the support from each and every one of you!